This endpoint will edit/update a contact record.




All the optional fields on the contact level can be updated via this PUT endpoint.

You can also send through new fields that current don't exist on the contact. You can see all the possible fields for a contact via calling the List fields on a workspace endpoint.

Payload Examples

Example 1: Updating the first name on a contact

	first_name: "new name!"

Example 2: Updating an entire name and a custom field.

	first_name: "Johnny",
	last_name: "Barnes",
	custom_1: "Updating my custom field!"

Example 3: Update a contact's status on a specific campaign
Note: You can send through the stage interested, not_interested, nurture, and do_not_contact as the field and it will change it to that stage.*

    interested: "camp_abc123efh4567"

Example 4: Update a contact's status across all campaigns that this contact is on
Note: You can send through the stage interested, not_interested, nurture, and do_not_contact as the field and it will change it to that stage.

    interested: "all"

200 Response

    status: "ok"