This API endpoint fetches a list of contacts.

This endpoint will list all contacts on a workspace. You can also use further filtering to list contacts on a campaign and search for contacts across your workspace.




workspacestringtrueThe workspace ID that you want to query
displaynumbertrueHow many contacts to display/show per page. The max number that you can request is 2000 at a time.
pagenumbertrueThe page you want to be on
campaignstringFilter search by campaign_id.
searchstringFilter search by keyword. This keyword searches across the email field on the contact record.
stagestringThe possible searches are Reviewing, Untouched, Prospecting, Replied, Unresponsive, Do Not Contact, Bad Contact Info, Interested, Not Interested, Nurture, Excluded. You can learn more about these stages here.
has_openedbooleanFilters for contacts that have opened an email.
has_clickedbooleanFilters for contacts that have clicked an email.
has_repliedbooleanFilters for contacts that have replied to an email.
has_bouncedbooleanFilters for contacts that have bounced.

API Call Example

This API call pulls all contacts on a specific campaign.


200 Response

    status: "ok",
   	headers: [
    data: [
            id: "contact_m9kq9mLiHgwlGTJxrkh6z3nBL",
            active: "locked",
            email: "",
            stage: "Reviewing",
            full_name: "John Marshall Smith",
            first_name: "John",
            middle_name: "Marshall",
            last_name: "Smith",
            nickname: "Johnny",
            title: "CEO",
            mobile_phone: "1 (234) 456-7890",
            work_phone: "1 (234) 456-7890",
            home_phone: "1 (234) 456-7890",
            voip_phone: "1 (234) 456-7890",
            other_phone: "1 (234) 456-7890",
            lead_score: "75",
            company_name: "Acme",
            company_formal_name: "Acme, Inc.",
            company_industry: "Manufacturing",
            address_1: "5 Apple Road",
            address_2: "Suite 555",
            city: "Philadelphia",
            state: "PA",
            zip: "19019",
            country: "USA",
            region: "Philadelphia",
            timezone: "America/New_York",
            gender: "Male",
            occupation: "CEO",
            linkedin: "",
            twitter: "",
            stack_overflow: "",
            website_1: "",
            website_2: "",
            website_3: null,
            personal_note_1: "Note 1",
            personal_note_2: "Note 2",
            personal_note_3: "Note 3",
            job_start_date: "01/01/2022",
            school: "Yale",
            graduation_date: "06/01/2023",
            degree: "Masters",
            locked_mailbox: null,
            locked_mailbox_id: null,
            locked_mailbox_color: null,
            created_at: "47 minutes ago",
            last_updated: "47 minutes ago",
            last_activity: "47 minutes ago",
            custom_1: null,
            created: 1654714807,
            last_sent: null,
            last_open: null,
            last_click: null,
            last_reply: null,
            last_unsubscribe: null,
            last_bounce: null
        //... 13 More Contacts
    total_found: 14,
    current_page: 1,
    total_pages: 1

Filtering By Campaign

When filtering by campaign we will also provide these additional fields.

  1. last_sent
  2. last_open
  3. last_reply
  4. last_unsubscribe
  5. last_bounce

If a contact has not done one of these actions yet the field will be null otherwise we will provide a unix timestamp.